Volume 2. Issue 3. 2022.
Editorial Preface
The third issue of the second edition of Volunteer Review focuses on organisational development and volunteering. Accordingly, the first study in the theoretical section reviews the history of organisation development in Hungary and what organisation development can offer - in terms of methods and practice - to non-profit organisations that also employ volunteers, so that they can fulfil their mission with the greatest effectiveness. The social value and impact of volunteering is indisputable. It is therefore crucial for the functioning and development of NPOs that they are aware of this social impact in a concrete way. The study on social impact measurement analyses this through theoretical and practical examples. It is almost a truism that NPOs can optimise their programmes and operations if they rely on multiple sources of funding. One of these important sources of income is corporate grants. The third paper describes the practice of developing partnerships between CSOs and corporate sector organisations in the context of corporate social responsibility and environmental and social governance. Voluntary work within mental health, health and social organisations is a particular area of volunteering. The fourth study focuses on the recruitment issues that arose in these types of volunteer organisations during the COVID-19 epidemic and on good practice examples in this field. An excellent example of the power of episodic volunteering is the Budapest100 programme and the volunteering work that takes place there. The fifth paper presents the results of a long-term study on this and on the coordination and motivation of volunteers. A very rich and interesting range of reviews is offered: on the one hand, the findings on the psychological contract, a little known issue in volunteer recruitment, are presented, on the other hand, an analysis of twenty years of Australian volunteer research, and finally, the Hungarian Youth Research 2020 studies on youth volunteering are reviewed.

An overview of the practice and methodology related position and problems of the for- and nonprofit organization development in Hungary
Brigitta Nardai-Bőhm
Social Impact Assessment - Based on social impact assessment projects among nonprofit organisations
Csaba Bakó
"Organisations want to manage resources well and operate efficiently. For the not-for-profit sector, generating resources and finding the right level of organisation remain the main challenges."
"Although the literature of social impact assessment became available in Hungary during the last one-and-half decade, we still cannot view it as general practice; our experiences show that NGOs mostly focus on satisfaction at most, and the number of those who systematically evaluate short- and long-term impact is minimal."

Preparing civil-nonprofit organisations for successful collaboration with companies in the private sector - The experiences of the Civil Impact Academy
Gyöngyvér Kiss
"Based on the experience of the Academy, the present study examines the partnerships that can be established between nonprofit organisations and companies beyond sponsorship and donation."
Volunteer coordination and volunteering in the Budapest100 project
Tímea Szőke
"In this study, I first present the operation and structure of the project, focusing on the process of volunteerism and the role of volunteers. In addition, I analyze the motivational factors of Budapest100 volunteers as described by themselves in the Hungarian Volunteer Motivation Questionnaire."
General and specific problems and the effectivenes of training volunteers - particulary in mental health, healthcare, social organization level
Orsolya Szücs
"Volunteering is important not only to maintain and develop certain areas society would otherwise not be able to manage , but it can also satisfy our needs on a higher-level: the spiritual desires beyond our basic needs"