Volume 5. Issue 1. 2025.
Editorial Preface
The main topic of the fifth issue of the online journal Volunteer Review is sports volunteering, especially through case studies. At the same time, we continued to present the results of the research on the mental well-being of volunteers, which was also supported by the editorial board of the journal. In connection with this, the first theoretical study deals with the topic of volunteering and mental health, with a special focus on older adults. With the second theoretical study, we somewhat broadened the topic of the Volunteering Review, but we believed that the importance of the topic, the exploration of the risk and protective factors of emotional exhaustion in a special group, and the results of the study of the role of physical activity in this can be useful both for professionals working in the nonprofit sector and specifically for professionals working with volunteers. The third theoretical study provides a detailed overview of the development and results of sports volunteering in Hungary. On the other hand, we believe that it also provides a good professional background for presenting the activities of two sports organizations and an association established specifically for the organization of sports volunteering. The case studies - in the field of university sports events, Special Olympics and mega-sports events - illustrate the diverse activities that we mean by sports volunteering. Sports organizations are one of the key areas of School Community Service. Thus, although the last case study is indirectly related to the theme of the issue, it provides important information about the impact of School Community Service, namely, the willingness to volunteer later on. Finally, in the review section, you can read not a regular review, but a brief summary of the survey conducted among social entrepreneurs in Slovakia.

The link between mental health and volunteering within the framework of age characteristics – further insights from a Hungarian study
László Dorner - Ágnes Bene
The risks and protective factors of emotional exhaustion of academics in the Carpathian Basin
Klára Kovács - Gabriella Hideg-Fehér
"In terms of social well-being, volunteering indicated a particularly positive effect among people over the age of 65, as it was in this age group that the respondents got to know the most emotionally close people during their volunteering activities."
Volunteering in Hungarian sport
Szilvia Perényi
"Understanding the motivation of volunteers and mapping their social characteristics is essential to increasing the effectiveness of volunteering activities in sport."
"Our key findings are that the strongest risk factors for emotional exhaustion are workload, diversity of teaching roles, work-life conflicts and bullying, while work commitment is a significant protective factor."

"Future volunteers – Key to success in Generation Z" project – case study of the implementation and experiences
Éva Antal
"As participants of the project, we have learned a lot about what motivates young adults, what tools we can use to make administrative and coordination processes efficient, how we can support and take care of volunteers committed to our events... "
Volunteer programs of the Special Olympics Hungary
Viktória Pázmány – Viktória Szőke – Tímea Halwax
"Based on the experience of the program, it can be said that the volunteer program of the MSOSZ is about ourselves and our peers, about differences and similarities, about getting to know and accepting, in other words, about living together."
Life-changing moments or volunteering in the ten-year old Sport-Önként Egyesület (Sport-Volunteering Association)
Krisztina Deák
The impact of school community service in Hungary – based on the results of an exploratory, small sample research
Liza Almási
"Based on the results of the small-sample research, it can be said that School Community Service achieves the effect of sensitizing them to volunteering in the majority of the students surveyed by carrying out activities that benefit both the community and the individual."