Volume 1. Issue 1. 2021.
Editorial Preface
Theoretical papers in the Volunteering Review Volume 1, Issue 1 are around two extremely actual topics. On the one hand, studies departing from different approaches and by analysing some sub-sectors of volunteering make an assessment of the achievements, changes and challenges of volunteering in Hungary over the past decade. On the other hand, papers reveal the importance of volunteers' motivations by looking at both their theoretical and practical relevance. In this Issue the case study is about the role of volunteering in a specific field (integrated micro-regional children's programs) while the methodological paper analyses a particular form of volunteering, those activities that are carried out at music festivals.

Assessing the first National Voluntary Strategy (2012-2020) - Achievements and shortcomings
Anna Mária Bartal
Formal and informal volunteering, according to the volunteering in Hungary 2018 survey
Miklós Gyorgyovich
Hence, the main aim of this paper is to assess both achievements and shortcomings of the NVS (2012-2020) via analysing its objectives and performance indicators.
As international trends show, the vast majority of volunteers in Hungary also work (partly) informally, while one third of them (also) take on tasks as formal volunteers.
Motivational theories of volunteering in an integrated framework
László Dorner
The aim of our present study is to analyze and integrate the main directions of research in this field during recent decades in a comparative framework.
Who are the winners of the school community service? - Investigation of factors affecting positive attitudes towards school community service
Valéria Markos
The primary aim of our present study is to show what factors influence the development of positive attitudes toward service and what sociocultural factors characterize students who enjoyed service and remember fifty hours positively
Research findings of the past 10 years on higher education students' volunteering
Hajnalka Fényes
This paper not only presents research findings of the past ten years but also reflects on the first National Volunteer Strategy of Hungary (2012-2020).

Professional cooperations and volunteering in integrated subregional child programs
Éva Perpék - Márta Kiss
We discuss the cooperations of the programs with similar human development projets as well as collaborations within the child protection signaling system.
Isn't volunteering enough?
Réka Nagy
The study provides an insight into the challenges of the building phase, presents major milestones such as the HelloMentor training program or the introduction of the fesztivalonkentes.hu online interface.