Life-changing moments or volunteering in the ten-year old Sport-Önként Egyesület (Sport-Volunteering Association)

Krisztina Deák


The Sport-Önként Egyesület/ Sport-Volunteering Association was founded in 2015 with the aim of developing of volunteer culture and building the volunteer community in Hungary. The study provides an overview of the first decade of the organisation. The history of the association is divided into three parts, the initial years, the period defined by Covid-19 and finally the post-pandemic phase. In the beginning, more and more sports came into focus with specific volunteer needs, the solutions was found through continuous experience and development. In this period, a group of volunteers has estabilished that is still active today. During the pandemic the challenges were increased administration, covid testing, sport events in a "bubble environment", as well as the absence of at-risk age groups and shorter event organization periods. From the 2022 World Aquatics Championships, the sport calendar became more intense, sport was "playing catch-up" and had to adapt. Today, there are more than 9,000 registered members and has gradually developed the basic systems and operating rules that any event's volunteer programme can specialise in, with the expertise. The roles and competences of the volunteer coordinators working in the system have been clarified and refined. However, the organisation's main resource is its volunteers, the majority of whom are women, with an average age of 23-27. They are the ones who determine the image of the Sport-Önként, the image and the success of an organisation of the sport events receive the important positive experience and attention.

Keywords: Sport-Volunteer Association, volunteering, volunteers, sports event, value, experience