Volume 1. Issue 4. 2021.
Editorial Preface
The fourth issue of the first Volunteering Review focuses on the (national)economic benefits of volunteering. The two statistical studies, based on a long-term analysis and using different methodologies, describe Hungarian volunteering and quantify its economic strength. As important as the question of the output of volunteering is, it is also a pressing problem to quantify and clarify what the input of volunteering is, i.e. whether volunteers are free labour - this is the topic of the third theoretical study. The focus of the practical - methodological case studies - placed in the context of corporate social responsibility - is the description of the last ten years of Hungarian corporate volunteering and the presentation of its practical implementation. The reviews provide an overview of the scope of the benefits of voluntary activity in the public interest that do not constitute remuneration, as well as the changing values of volunteering.
The publication of Volunteer Review No. 4 was supported by the Pallas Athéné Domus Meriti Foundation.

The evolution of volunteering in Hungary in 2010s - Based on additional data from the 2011 - 2019 Labour Force Survey of the Hungarian Statistical Office
Rita Váradi
The economic power of volunteering of Hungary - According to nonprofit organisaton statistic 1995 -2020
Istvan Sebestény
"The complementary modules showed that a significant proportion of the adult Hungarian population - one third - had volunteered in the 12 months preceding the survey, and that the benefits of volunteering to society as a whole and to individuals, in terms of the monetary value of the contribution to GDP, remained very significant."
In this paper, we show how the Central Statistical Office's survey of nonprofit organisations has attempted to measure the extent of this in-kind contribution, both in time and, in money, over the last 25 years.
Are volunteers free labour force?
Anna Mária Bartal - Éva Perpék - Réka Nagy
On the basis of our results, we expect to launch a professional dialogue on the question of whether volunteers are "free labour force" - both within the Hungarian voluntary sector itself and with decision-makers who might rethink more differentiated support schemes for voluntary programmes.

Corporate volunteering in practice
Klára Molnár - Vivien Vida
By the end of the study, our hypothesis that voluntary initiatives are becoming increasingly important in the CSR strategies and practices of the companies studied is well outlined.
The social responsibility strategy of the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) - overview and results
Eszter Hergár
The results of the Bank's social responsibility activities over the last 7 years have significantly contributed to the implementation of the strategic objectives.
The practice of corporate volunteering in light of the past 10 years - in context of Effecteam's studies
Klára Molnár
The establishment of the frameworks and policies of volunteering, as well as the promotion and organization of corporate-initiated programmes gained importance in the practice of corporate social responsibility in the second half of the 2000s.