Volunteer programs of the Special Olympics Hungary

Viktória Pázmány – Viktória Szőke – Tímea Halwax


The Special Olympics Hungary (Magyar Speciális Olimpia Szövetség) has been operating for 35 years, as a member organization of the Special Olympics International (SOI). Its aim is to present the specific life of people with intellectual disabilities to the majority society and to build a bridge between able-bodied and disabled people. Through sports, the movement shows that people with intellectual disabilities are also capable of achieving serious results, and that it is possible to build an inclusive world together.One of the greatest objectives of the Special Olympics is that society accepts and accepts its members with intellectual disabilities. The movement is based on volunteering worldwide. In this study, we aimed to present the volunteer programs operating in the MSOSZ and to publish the results of a focus group interview, which focuses on the impact of volunteering on the individual. In 2010, the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Association launched its sensitization and voluntary recruitment program "Join Me Too!". Like many other countries, we thought that we should choose the most receptive age group for the program, children and young people. In this study, we analyze the content elements of this activity. We outline its methodology, effectiveness and difficulties. Based on the experience of the program, it can be said that the volunteer program of the MSOSZ is about ourselves and our peers, about differences and similarities, about getting to know and accepting, in other words, about living together. This is also supported by the focus group interview we conducted among young people working as volunteers in the MSOSZ, and the study focused on their experiences in this regard. Overall, it can be said that the experiences expressed by the participating young people resulted in the strengthening of career guidance and a sense of vocation, and became an important part of their personal development.

Keywords: Special Olympics, Hungarian Special Olympics Association, volunteering, "Join us!" - volunteer program, sensitization