Growing beyond the self – introducing the Voluntary Diaconal Year program
Emese Závodi - Krisztina Csordás
In recent years, volunteering has become an increasingly important part of social and community work, especially for young people, as a means of development and experience. This case study will look at the origins, development, and volunteers of the international volunteering experience of the Voluntary Diaconal Year Programme Office programme. The Ecumenical Diaconal Year Network (EDYN) is a Christian network coordinating volunteer programmes since 1997, of which the Voluntary Diaconal Year Programme Office within the Reformed Church is a member. The mission of the EDYN network is to create an accepting, inclusive community where staff contribute their excellent professional experience to the improvement of the community work with mutual respect with its members, and develop personal relationships. For its volunteers, the EDYN network provides personal and spiritual development, intercultural and ecumenical learning, and social and civic responsibility. The programmes provide opportunities for long-term and short-term volunteer service in social and educational institutions, church programmes, and parishes. Most of the volunteers serve in internationally for up to 12 months, experiencing new cultures, living conditions, and interactions with residents. Over the past 27 years, more than 1,800 young Hungarian and international volunteers have served at a number of locations within the framework of the Voluntary Year of Deaconry. Volunteering is an important means of promoting social cohesion, mobilising community resources, and developing young people's personal and professional skills.
Keywords: Volunteer Diaconal Year Program Office, volunteer reception, international volunteering, mission, service, Volunteer Diaconal Year Network