Professional cooperations and volunteering in integrated subregional child
Éva Perpék - Márta Kiss
In the study, on the one hand, we present how and to what extent professional cooperation and volunteering appear among the goals and activities of the integrated regional child programs. On the other hand, based on data from a 2020 survey, we examine how the professional managers of the programs view different aspects of professional collaborations and volunteering during the program implementation. We discuss the cooperations of the programs with similar human development projets as well as collaborations within the child protection signaling system. We present the attitudes of the key stakeholders towards the programs, and then we analyze the extent to which they are involved as volunteers in the implementation of the programs. According to our results, the cooperation of Child opportunities programs with the relevant subregional development projects is of a relatively low intensity. At the same time, the programs contribute to the cooperation of the members of the child protection signaling system through a number of named activities, thus acting as a kind of catalyst. Professional managers considered that help of volunteers would be needed in the implementation of several regular and ad hoc activities, but at present their involvement was assessed as relatively difficult. There is little activity, especially in the field of regular volunteering, and the regular volunteers are those who are a priori involved in the implementation of the programs. However, occasional volunteering, mainly related to large-scale events, is widespread.
Keywords: professional cooperation, volunteering, integrated subregional child prgrams