What the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us? -
Experiences of the Nevetnikék Fundation
Éva Kapitány Légrádi - Glória Kőműves
The aim of the case study was to show the impact of COVID-19 on the functioning of Nevetnikék Foundation. First of all, we described the normal scope of activities which was characteristic before the virus. We also described the recruitment process of the volunteers as owing to the hospital visiting program, we had a basis of regular volunteers we could rely on. This contributed to our fast and effective reacting to the changes caused by the virus. Then we reported about what we had to rethink after the lockdown since we could neither continue the personal hospital visiting program nor the fairy tale wall painting project. We also referred to the challenges we had to face in Pécs due to COVID-19. As a reaction to the given situation, we organized a voluntary shopping service for people living with chronic illness and for the elderly to provide contactless food and medicine supply for the most endangered population. Above that, we created a face mask sewing group to share experience and work together. The masks were delivered to hospitals and orphanages since during the last spring period there was a shortage of these items in these institutions. We wanted to help parents who had to work from home, so we organized useful, interactive online sessions for their preschool- and school-age children. Finally, we reported about the experiences and difficulties we were facing in connection with the recruitment and the retention of our volunteers who make a valuable, multi-tasking job at the foundation.
Keywords: challenges of COVID-19 pandemic, redesign, volunteering, Nevetnikék Fundation,